Twitter Followers

Why Is It a Good Idea to


Buy Twitter Followers?


There are countless benefits to buying more Twitter followers and I’m going to tell you how to build your own Twitter following.

I’ll tell you about things that seem to work and some that don’t work: short term or long term.

Let me be perfectly clear.

You can use our service to help you become a celebrity, expand your reach, build a fan club, sell products, become the top dog within your market, or sway political opinion to the exclusion of everything else.

Our buy twitter followers service is also useful for building up your twitter profile in other ways. For example if you want to expand your contacts, get access to a constantly stream of interesting information, give and receive advice, and to learn how to be a better human being via following more people.

I’m particularly sure that this will help some honest-to-goodness lesser known creatives, artists, and talented folks who do want a chance to promote themselves and their works in a creative way (as long as they understand that it’s not a one-way promotion deal; you need to give, too.) The world needs more good content.

You will also find that these concepts will apply to many social media websites.



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How To Get More Twitter Followers


One simple way to start up a Twitter network is to hook up with people that you already know offline or through online social networks. You have already earned credibility and built up a reputation with those people so you’ll already have their attention.

Otherwise, your best bet will be to start joining other social networks or looking harder in your own world in order to get started with other people that you know. Maybe you can even talk a few friends into joining Twitter simultaneously so that you have a common starting point.

One thing to note, though: many people are picky about who they follow. Some people won’t follow strangers. Some of them won’t follow you because they don’t see any common interests OR they see material in your Twitter stream that they don’t like.

Some people just don’t want to follow more people because they’re at their emotional or mental state of saturation and they can’t take anymore. And, unfortunately, some people on Twitter just want to take more than they give.


But how many followers


can you really get using those methods?


And how long is it going to take?

If you look at celebrities and viral news, you know they get hundreds of thousands of followers within hours.

And if you ever want to achieve this kind of a status you need to be able to get these levels of engagement yourself. As you can imagine the methods mentioned above won’t cut it.

You need to be smarter, quicker, and more cost effective.

That’s why people use our services and buy twitter followers for their profiles.

It’s crazy fast (if you want it to be), gives you instant credibility, and does not require hiring a huge PR department for $10k+ / month to get the same effect (if you’re lucky).



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What Twitter really is
 (in 140 words or less)


Let’s (re)examine Twitter. It’s a running stream of Tweets: messages, comments, links, and other communication. You can view the general stream of information (the public timeline) that everyone contributes to. Most people see a personalized stream created by the people they have chosen to follow.

Being followed can be a compliment because it means that someone chose to listen to you out of millions of other Twitter users. This is important because Twitter puts limits on the number of people that you can follow. Some people have amassed a grandfathered follower list of tens of thousands of people. Now, you can’t follow more than 2000 people, so being followed is a bigger deal than it used to be.


Twitter is huge and increasing the number of  your Twitter followers is not as easy as it used to be


Like any community, Twitter’s composition has changed over time. Twitter probably felt smaller and chummier in its earliest days, like a single cohesive community, because it likely was a cozy group of a few hundred or so friends and colleagues.

The reality is that Twitter is a federation of communities that happen to use the same facilities. In a sense, every Twitter follower creates their own unique community composed of the people that they follow, since it’s unlikely that any two users follow all of the same people. There can be a lot of overlaps between these customized communities, but each has some unique composition.

Just as you build your own network of offline friends, family and contacts, you get to pick and choose who you follow as you build your own custom network of Twitter users that you follow. However, most of the time you’re going to want those same people to follow you back. Just like in your offline reality, if you make a gesture of friendship or contact towards someone, you’re going to appreciate it if your overture is reciprocated.


Why people will follow you on Twitter

From personal experience, I can tell you that people will follow you because:

  • They know and/or like you
  • They think you are interesting, informative, helpful or funny
  • You’ve piqued their curiosity enough for them to take a chance on a stranger like you
  • They just like adding people to their networks, regardless of how strong or weak the connections are
  • Your profile seems credible, well developed, and interesting enough


Why people probably won’t follow you on Twitter


  • Your account is the mouth and ears of an organization, not an individual. An account that represents a company name without reference to a human being looks and smells like a machine.
  • Your profile looks unbalanced in either direction. If you follow a huge number of people compared to the number of people that currently follow you, then you look like you’re trying to the old “follow a bunch of people in the hopes that some of them will follow me back” tactic. Some of us are very wary about this, because that tactic is often done in order for selfish reasons (and I say that as having tried it several times in the past: it doesn’t work very well over the long term unless you happen to connect with a lot of these people in some meaningful way.)
  • You create a lot of automated Tweets instead of cranking them out by hand. It becomes pretty easy to tell what’s been automatically generated (and this is true for both regular Tweets, replies, and DMs (Direct Messages)). People are far more interested in the writings of a real human being than anything generated by a computer program. Sorry, but automated DMs really annoy me.
  • You simply don’t have enough of a following. Think about it, would you rather follow someone with millions of followers or a new account with just 15 of them? Who would seem more credible? That’s why we offer a service where you can buy followers and reach your desired results much faster.
  • You don’t have many (or any) Replies, favourites, or retweets in your Twitter stream . A reply appears in the public timeline and your own personal timelines, but it’s directed at a specific Twitter user. It’s a way of making conversation and it helps to build an online relationship between two people. In other words, it’s an indication that there’s a human being behind the Twitter account.
  • You Tweet a lot of content (including links) that are related to yourself, your organization, or your business. Unless that content is extremely relevant to me, I won’t bother signing up.
  • You produce offensive material (offensive is in the eye of the beholder).
  • You’re clearly talking to yourself about things that are relevant to you and you alone.
  • You don’t share useful, helpful, funny or interesting content.


Why people will stop following you on Twitter


  • You don’t respond to Reply Tweets – people don’t like to be ignored
  • You don’t respond to DMs – see previous
  • You don’t appear to respond to anything – see previous!
  • You start to produce offensive material on a regular basis (again, offensive is in the eye of the beholder) – no one wants to see stuff that they don’t want to see
  • You Tweet more about yourself and the things that you are selling than about other stuff.
  • You cease to share useful, helpful, funny or interesting content – therefore, why would they follow you?
  • You Tweet too much and it overwhelms a user’s Twitter stream so that it’s hard for them to see what anyone else is Tweeting.
  • You Tweet too little to be interesting or you stop Tweeting for a long period of time.


Conclusion: how to get followers if you’re not a celebrity, industry pioneer, or just plain famous (yet)


  • You need to be committed to a long term processing of sharing, helping, exchanging information, and building relationships gradually.
  • Share a lot of high quality content via links that other people have created.
  • You need to be a considerate human being.
  • You need to reach out to people but not bother them or overwhelm them.
  • Accept the fact that this involves a lot of work.
  • Make it easier for yourself and simply buy Twitter followers.


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At some point you’re going to start following other people that you don’t know yet. By following them in Twitter, you are leaving them a digital calling card that’s similar to the real-world equivalent used in previous decades.

The outside of the digital calling card is your avatar and your username, which appear on the Follower page of the person that you’ve started to follow. These two things make up the “envelope” which contains your calling card. A friendly or interesting envelope gets more attention to a plain white, yellow, or brown envelope. If you don’t have a personalized avatar or a name, then you’re a plain envelope. People tend to ignore plain, non-descriptive envelopes when they are pressed for time or when they’re not interested in exploring a mystery.

People open this envelope by clicking on your username or avatar.

Your Twitter bio, including any links to your blog, social network page, or other websites, is the “calling card” itself. The bio gives people a quick overview of who you are and what you do. It, like your avatar, is a chance to show people that you have wit, compassion, and are otherwise not a stuffed shirt. Or a robot. Or a faceless organization.

If you’re already using Twitter and struggling with building up your follower list, you could look at the bios of people that you follow, decide what you like about those bios, and attempt to incorporate those ideas in your own terms. Do not blindly copy; just use this information to get some ideas. This is not a sure-fire guarantee of success, but it’s one of several good ideas to consider.



Other references about Twitter and social media for your consideration:

The Ultimate Social Media Etiquette Handbook (Tamar Weinberg‘s excellent guide)

Facebook and Twitter (includes thoughts by Steve Pavlina about following vs. not following)

25 Ways to Build Your Community (check out Chris Brogan’s point 9 about promoting other people 12 times more than you promote yourself)

7 Ingredients in the Perfect Twitter Profile