Meaningful Action in the Cyclone Aftermath

On Twitter, Friday, I admitted: I’ve been shamefully, intentionally, avoiding news about the cyclone in *Burma/Myanmar. It’s much worse than I’d imagined. @digitalmaverick yeah. pop 53 million. 1.5 million affected/endangered. 60,000 “officially” dead. Junta seizing supplies/barring aid workers Wall Street Journal article about the hope that at least this disaster could begin the end of… Continue reading Meaningful Action in the Cyclone Aftermath

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List of Internal Microsharing Tools

Image via CrunchBase My list (based on Jeremiah’s) of publicly known “Twitter-like” microsharing tools for internal deployment within companies. I’m keeping it spare to make it easier to update. See Jeremiah’s list of tools for more explanation and descriptions. *I also include four open source applications reported by John Eckman. BlueTwit (IBM) ESME (SAP/Siemens SDN)… Continue reading List of Internal Microsharing Tools

Categorized as Twitter

Getting Started on Twitter

With the number of active Twitter users growing over 900% in 2008, a rising wave of new users and companies have been signing up for Twitter accounts. Our round up of great beginner’s guides is now more relevant than ever. Official Resources Twitter Help Twitter’s Getting Started Guide Twitter’s How-To Guides Twitter’s Troubleshooting Guides How… Continue reading Getting Started on Twitter

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Twitter is my Village

Village? For me, connecting on Twitter with someone I’ve just met in person is inviting them to live in “my village.” Follow-up won’t be limited to the “nice meeting you” email cul-de-sac. On Twitter, we’ll cross paths incidentally and without pressure. I may bump into them “around town” for maybe a word or two at… Continue reading Twitter is my Village

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Three Stages of Presenting with Twitter

There’s a new story almost every week of a presenter getting roasted on Twitter. The possibility that this might happen to you could be scary. Presenting at conferences is hard enough without the added complication of Twitter. But it’s not all bad. Conference organizers and presenters are experimenting with using the backchannel to proactively engage… Continue reading Three Stages of Presenting with Twitter

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Twitter for Business

Should your company Twitter? This collection of articles is a starting point for understanding how microsharing tools such as Twitter can be used to impact the bottom line. Pistachio Consulting helps companies, brands, agencies and high profile individuals make smart business use of microsharing tools like Twitter. We provide briefings, consulting, strategy, training and full… Continue reading Twitter for Business

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Motrins Twitter Moment

Congratulations Motrin… I’m going to take a wild guess that McNeil Consumer Healthcare, a Division of McNEIL-PPC, and theiragency of record (Taxi NYC, from what we can tell at the moment) are not carefully monitoring Twitter right now. I’m also going to guess that you’re going to hear a thing or twomore about this in the… Continue reading Motrins Twitter Moment

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