My Twitter for Dummies Tip: Be Yourself

I just submitted my first tip to the Twitter for Dummies community that we launched this afternoon. Built on Bright Idea’s Webstorm platform, this website will serve both the book project and the gathered community as a place to exchange ideas about making better use of Twitter.

Be Yourself

(category: How to Grow Your Network. tags: authenticity,  followers,  human,  personal,  yourself )

I get asked – a LOT – how to “get followers” and I swear that a small part of me is sad every time. Because i really hope for people to have a rich experience of Twitter no matter which – or how many – followers they are connected to. Twitter isn’t *ONE* village, it’s your own personal gathering of friends, neighbors & strangers. Every Twitter Village is different. It’s the quality of the experience and the relevance to you that matter — not the quantity.

So, be yourself.

Yes, even if you have a business account, include some personality and some passion in the mix. we’ve always known that important business gets done at dinners, charity events and on the golf course. Business has always been social and based on relationships, and relationships are based on authenticity and genuinely having things in common.

Sometimes remaining silent about the real you can make you less interesting and harder to relate to. This is an extraordinarily personal medium. I hope you will make it your own.

Won’t you come join us? At the site you can:

  • submit ideas
  • vote on ideas
  • set up your profile
  • search ideas
  • read tips by category
  • invite friends
  • nominate a charity!

As I write this we already have 40 59 people in the Twitter for Dummies community and268 301 people who have followed @Dummies on Twitter. I hope you will join us too and help choose not only the best ideas for the book, but a deserving charity to receive the “community” share of any royalties.

To submit a charity for the community share of the royalties, register and log into the site, click “Post Idea” from any page and categorize your submission “NOMINATE THE CHARITY.” Community voting will determine which charity is selected, and 10% of Pistachio Consulting’s GROSS royalties.

I’d like to add a note of personal thanks to Bright Idea CEO Matt Greeley and to Michelle Fairbanks for their help getting the community site up and running.

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